Alcohol Causes Cancer
In 1988, researchers determined alcohol causes cancer in humans. Learn more about what types of cancer are involved and how this occurs in the body.
No Amount of Alcohol Use is Safe When it Comes to Cancer Risk
Any amount of alcohol consumption can increase your risk of cancer. Even moderate drinkers, or those who consume fewer than 1.4 drinks per day, can develop cancer.
What Does the Public Know?
If you did not know about the correlation between alcohol and cancer, you are not alone. Find out more about what the public knows and common misconceptions about the connection.
Are We Being Mislead?
Researchers can minimize the risk of cancer by manipulating how a study is created. Learn more about how a recent study was canceled after the study design and funding came in to question.
Sober Toolbox 2: Sober Mindset - Growth or Fixed
Sober Toolbox 2: Sober Mindset - Growth or Fixed
Sober Toolbox 4: Alcohol Triggers and Spatial Association
Sober Toolbox 4: Alcohol Triggers and Spatial Association
Sober Toolbox 6: Sober Mindset - Positive or Negative
Sober Toolbox 6: Sober Mindset - Positive or Negative