Name: E, sex addict for 25 years, four bouts w Cocaine-12 years sobriety. Sex Addiction Sobriety date May 27, 2019

Age: 51

From TX in Colorado 39 years

Pro Musician, Father, Grandfather,

Hobbies and Interest: Applying the outdoors and fitness to recovery, meditation, good food, relationship w my higher power. Helping other w sex addiction

Resources: Overcoming sex addiction on FB, TINSA, The Shack, 12 step S.L.A.A groups and Sunrises and Sunsets (The Outdoors)

No Sippy No Slippy. Not Another Drop No matter What.
Remember to Pour The Poison Down The Sink!!


EP 225: Grief pt3 Ft Polly


EP 222: Riding Sober with Coach