Hi everyone 🙋🏻‍♀️

I’m Corinna and I am enjoying riding with sobriety on Bumblebee (My Can Am Ryker)

I worked as a mental health nurse for 37 years until 2020 when I was medically retired due to fibromyalgia, arthritis, Functional Neurological Disorder, Benign Positional Vertigo, Anxiety and Depression. I also drank a bottle of wine every night for 22 years.

At the time of my retirement I struggled to walk, talk and eat without choking. I fell daily (never whilst drunk) leading to several injuries and ongoing cartilage and tendon tears. Pain is my thing! And I drank to numb it all. But I also drank away my neuro pathways.

I am now over 3 years sober and have worked hard at retraining my neural pathways with mindfulness. Nowadays, I can mostly walk without my previously trusted purple pusher (walker) And have learnt to ride a 600cc machine. I am now travelling around the world, sometimes on Bumblebee and sometimes by plane, meeting sober brothers and sisters, promoting sobriety and giving hope to others with disabilities. If you think sobriety is boring you have been seriously misled. I’m not great with technology but I’m doing my best to share the word on sobriety, living positively with disability and grief. Sadly, my biggest support Andy passed away on 22nd April 2023. You can read more about him and our journey together on the ‘In Loving Memory’ page. You can also listen to our story in Coping with Illness and Death on my YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/fSj0p2HuMN0?si=3bsotSqOSxYzb4KK

Head over to my YouTube Channel for a very eclectic mix! Positive Recovery with Corinna/canamgirluk https://www.youtube.com/@positiverecoverywithcorinna5071 Please remember to subscribe, like and share to help spread the word.

I have written and published an easy to read book ‘The A-Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know’. Check out the link below to find out more about this and read the great reviews.

Follow me on Instagram and TikTok @canamgirluk

Facebook: Corinna Alderton

You can listen to me on Sobertown Podcast - Positive Recovery with Corinna and with the lovely Polly in Happy Hour - two for the price of one, you can also find me on IAS - Corinna Dotty Pot.

If youd like to contact me, you can email me: alcoholandsobriety@gmail.com

Click Here

Alcohol is the third leading cause of preventable death in the USA killer. Smoking is 6th. It contains over 30 cancer causing chemicals including arsenic and formaldehyde. It causes liver disease, dementia, cancer and death. It is the most harmful drug to self and others. Much higher than heroin and crack cocaine. But, instead of declaring all this and allowing us to make an informed choice, it is hidden and encouraged with fancy packaging and advertising convincing us that we cannot get through any occasion without it; sporting events, holidays, Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day etc. 
I am petitioning for:

A total ban on advertising 

Alcohol to be packaged in plain bottles, cans and boxes. No fancy packing. And the truth be written on the container:

Contains a flammable solvent with arsenic and formaldehyde. Causes cancer, liver disease, dementia and 3 million deaths a year  ⚠️ ☠️  


Newly Published!

Check out Corinna’s newly published book: “The A- Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know“ now available on Amazon!

This really is the ultimate alcohol and sobriety handbook for anyone who drinks alcohol, friends, relatives and professionals. It is filled with information to help you understand more about the effects of alcohol, our drinking behaviours and addiction. It encourages the reader to be curious, ask questions and inspire change, whilst giving the information and support needed to do this, including resources and information on mental and physical health and general wellbeing.


NeuroScience & Addiction


Non Traditional AA