Alternatives to AA and the 12 Steps

There are many approaches to getting sober and giving up alcohol. And while AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) has become a mainstay in the recovery community, it’s not the only way to get sober. Far from it!

So what are the alternatives to Alcoholics Anonymous and the 12 Steps?

First, it’s important to note that there are some really prominent voices in recovery, including Russel Brand, who have taken the AA model and created their own interpretation of it. Because while The Big Book of AA is indeed a bit outdated, there are many who have managed to benefit from its core principles.

Also there is tons of new Neuroscience Data dismissing the idea that addiction is a disease and more of a disorder.

We’ve included a collection of videos highlighting some of these different approaches and interpretations of addiction, which are amazing sobriety resources for anyone looking to say goodbye to alcohol or drugs and start living a life of freedom in recovery.


AA 12 Steps - Traditional


Positive Recovery with Corinna