EP 135: Transformative Experiences - Uncovering Happiness


Episode 6 of the Uncovering Happiness Podcast - “Transformative Experiences”

Hosts - Kera and Bill W

Guest - Tim


Podcast Description:

In the sixth episode of the Uncovering Happiness Podcast Kera and Bill W speak with Tim, a backcountry field guide and budding spiritual warrior.  In our conversation, we discuss the personal evolution of emotional development, wilderness therapy, and spiritually transformative experiences. 


Kera and Bill W were two friends, turned romantic partners who quit their addictions and went on a journey of self-discovery. Along their journey of 4.5 years, they learned that life is short and that there's more to life than just getting by in recovery. Learn about the steps they took to get from addiction to adventure.

Their hope is that by sharing these Podcasts, others can be inspired to take steps towards finding happiness themselves. During their adventure across the country, they knew they wanted to give back and help adults in recovery. So today they do just that. Their business, "Uncovering Happiness", helps adults in recovery uncover the happiness in their lives.

After completing the worksheet, if you’re interested in being on the podcast, send an email to bill@adventurememories.life 

- Kera Passante, Adventure Therapist, MS, LPC, NCC, CATP, CCAT Facebook Profile- Bill Welch, Entrepreneur, Storyteller Facebook Profile


No Sippy No Slippy. Not Another Drop No matter What.  

Remember to Pour The Poison Down The Sink!!     




EP 136: Erica Spiegelman Author of ”Rewired”


EP 134: Author of “Everything You Ever Taught Me” sits with Imust