EP 129: A-Rod’s Recovery Story


A-Rod is a 38 year old man from Ohio He is passionate about fitness, entrepreneurship, the great outdoors, self improvement, and helping others. 
 Talks a bit about growing up as a shy introvert, how an early experience shaped how he saw himself, and about growing into adulthood feeding his addictions. How getting sober for the first time, led to exploring his spirituality and a break in his identity. He discusses what drove him to feed the inner addict and undergo somewhat of a personality change. He shares some family history and the breaking point that lead him to a place of acceptance, and the courage to throw all his energy into being involved with the IAS/Sober community. Which has been the game changer for him in his sobriety.


A-Rod! Thank you soooooo Much for coming on the Sobertown Podcast and sharing your Amazing Journey!!

I'm sure we're going to be hearing more from you in the near future!!



No Sippy No Slippy. Not Another Drop No matter What.  

Remember to Pour The Poison Down The Sink!!     



EP 130: LilDev’s Follow up with King13 - Sober Recovery


EP 128: Ashleybear9’s Recovery Story