EP 61: From Death To Life! Kinnic’s Recovery Story


July 1st 2020 Kinnic packed up his pistol and a cooler full of booze with the intention of killing himself. Alcoholism had stripped everything from him including his will to live.

Thanks to a 12 hour blackout and the unexplained change of his thinking, he came out of it, he did not pull the trigger, and he is 357 days sober TODAY!!!

There is HOPE for the hopeless!! Push through, find some help! Download the I Am Sober App! Do Anything! Just Don't Give Up!!!


No Sippy No Slippy. Not Another Drop No matter What.
Remember to Pour The Poison Down The Sink!!


EP 62: Amy Lovell’s Recovery Story


EP 60: Honesty and Corinna’s Sabbatical - Two 4 one Happy Hour