Born and raised Texan living in Austin. I’m 42... work in women’s healthcare, married to the man I met at 17, with an 11 year old son. At the time of this episode, I’m just past the 222 milestone in my sobriety and 365 days doesn’t seem nearly as far away as it used to! I’m excited to hit that one.

I’ve found, in my sobriety efforts, that drinking was a byproduct of a whole lot more going on in my life as well as traumas and negative experiences that have shaped my life and why I became an alcoholic. Now I’m on a path of self discovery.... a very difficult path... but I’m open to trying anything and collecting tools in both sobriety and my mental health a long the way.

I’m an advocate for women. I enjoy mentoring young women. Pre-pandemic I worked with the Girl Empowerment Network which I’m hoping to get involved with again.

No Sippy No Slippy. Not Another Drop No matter What.
Remember to Pour The Poison Down The Sink!!


EP 37: Alcohol Patterns and Trends, 1950’s to Present UK


EP 35: Polly and Corinna Two 4 one Happy Hour