What is it?

Methamphetamine is known as “the drug of productivity”. It is a very addictive substance, that is a central nervous system stimulant.

It is a clear or white crystalized like substance that can be consumed by many mechanisms. Such as: intravenously, orally, and by inhalation.

Symptoms of Methamphetamine use include: sleep loss, erratic behavior, social behavioral changes, skin lesions, weight loss, risk taking behaviors, and psychosis (can cause suicidal ideations or behaviors), cardiac/respiratory overworking, and death.


3.7% of Canadians have reported use of Methamphetamines, while the United States has a 6% use rate reported. This includes use reported from both Youth and Adults.

Crimes influenced by, or involving, Methamphetamine use, in Canada alone, have increased by >400% this annual.

Mental health concerns, due to Methamphetamine use, in both countries, are increasing exponentially each day.

The number of deaths from, or related to, Methamphetamine use are climbing rapidly as well.



There are a multitude of Crystal Meth Anonymous meetings to attend across Canada and The Unites States. Visit: for meeting days, times, and locations to get started with CMA help today, or visit their website for further resources or to call their Help Hotline!


METHod. To End The Madness is an Alberta, Canada based small organization that helps Meth Addicts and their Families. METHod. offers resources for bridging the gaps to getting help for Meth Addicts. Especially how to locate and enter detox and treatment centers, and what the mental health and behavioral concerns may look like in addicts, as well as additional family support suggestions.

A social media base for having more open, louder, and frequent conversations regarding Meth Addictions, deaths related to Meth, social stigmas and more!